Web Development Services

Here are some of the web development services I offered:

Website design and development 

This service includes creating visually appealing and responsive website designs and developing and implementing the website using various programming languages such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

This service includes optimizing a website’s content and structure to improve its visibility and ranking on search engines. I can help to set up your Google My Business profile if applicable, and it still needs to be created. Google My Business (GMB) is a free tool that allows businesses to manage their online presence across Google, including Search and Maps. A GMB profile is essential, especially for your local SEO visibility.

Content Management System (CMS) Development

This service includes creating and implementing a WordPress CMS to manage the website’s content, allowing clients to easily add, edit and delete content.

Website maintenance and updates

This service includes regularly updating the website’s content, fixing bugs, and ensuring the website stays updated with the latest technologies.

Website speed optimization 

This service includes optimizing the website’s performance and user experience and ensuring that the website is mobile-friendly and accessible to all users.

Web Hosting and Domain Management

This service includes providing and maintaining a hosting web service and managing the website’s domain name, email hosting, and DNS settings.

Web Security

This service protects a website from cyber threats like hacking, malware, and DDoS attacks.

Web Analytics and Reporting

This service includes weekly/monthly website technical SEO audits, tracking and analyzing website traffic and user behavior to improve the user experience and measure the website’s success. I will help to install analytics and reporting tools like Google Analytics ang Google Search Console to monitor the statistics and performance of your website.

E-commerce development

This service involves creating online stores and integrating them with payment gateway systems for secure transactions. I only offer WordPress and Shopify platforms for e-commerce websites.

Custom web application development

This service includes developing custom web applications tailored to the specific needs of a client, such as CRM systems, project management tools, and more.

Responsive Web Design

This service includes creating a website optimized for viewing on different devices and screen sizes.

These are the web development and SEO services that I offered. Depending on your needs, a more specific service may be required.

Let’s talk about your website and SEO.
I want to hear from you.

Please message me or email me at contact@aljunmajo.com if you need help with your website & SEO, need a FREE website consultation, or need a FREE SEO website audit, and I’ll get back to you very soon.

In addition to this website, I also maintain a Facebook group called SEO & Web Development Tutorials Philippines, where people may ask me questions and share their own experiences.


Website Optimization

Like most website owners, you want your website to be as fast as possible. But what if you could make it even faster? There are several ways to make your website faster, but one of the most effective is optimizing your images. Website optimization is a process of making your website faster and more efficient. I can show you some tools to help you optimize your website.

Technical SEO

I will identify and help fix key on-page technical SEO issues that could be severely limiting your online performance. If you're noticing that your website isn't performing as well as it should be, it could be due to technical SEO issues. I can help you identify these issues and fix them so that your website can start ranking higher and attracting more traffic.

Web Development

Whether you're starting a website from scratch or looking to improve an existing one, I can help. I offer various services to help my clients build and maintain their websites, from front-end design and back-end development to server administration and on-page technical SEO audits.

Hosting Server

A Web Server is a great way to get your website up and running quickly and easily. By hosting your website on a web server, you can deploy your website to the web with ease. It can help you get your website seen by more people. In addition, I can help you with the deployment process and ensure your website is secure and running smoothly.

My Mission

My mission is to provide my clients with high-quality, custom websites that are easy to use and look great. I want my clients to be able to reach their target audience with ease and to be able to do so without costing a lot of money.

Service Fee

I offer my services at a fixed-fee, hour-based, project-based, or monthly retainer, so you can always get the help you need. Plus, I'm open to negotiation, so you can be sure you're getting the best possible service. For example, for smaller projects, I may be able to offer a fixed-fee arrangement. In any case, I am always happy to discuss my fees with potential clients to come to a mutually beneficial agreement.

Website Development Services & Maintenance

Web development services involve everything related to building a web-based solution – whether it is a simple text page or a complex web application. Many people think of “web development” as just using a variety of programming languages to create the web app code and put everything together.

Website Technical SEO Audit

When it comes to maintaining an up-to-date SEO strategy for your website, technical SEO audits are an essential and necessary component. If your website is not properly optimized for search, you will lose out on a sizeable portion of the traffic that is generated by search engines, as well as the interest of people who might become your customers.


Do you need a website?


Are you looking for the best web development services?

I create quality websites that are creative, secure, fast, affordable, and optimized for Google with best practices and SEO friendly.
Contact me for a quotation if your desired service is not included in my plan checklist below.

Contact me through:
📝 My Contact form
☎  Call me (+63)967-017-2697
📧  contact@aljunmajo.com


man working on computer

Web Development and Technical SEO FAQ

Do you have questions about my Web Development and Technical SEO Services? Feel free to reach out to me anytime!

I offer various services that can help you with your web development needs. For example, I can help you create a website, set up a hosting server, deploy the website to a hosting server, and even help you with your website’s technical SEO. For more information about my Web Development and SEO Services, please email me at contact@aljunmajo.com for a free consultation or use this form to contact me.

Yes, there are other potential costs for your website. Depending on your needs, you may need to pay for web hosting, a domain name, and/or website design and development services. However, you can often find affordable options for all of these services. But if you need assistance, contact me.

Yes, Of course, I can maintain your website. Regular maintenance is vital for a website to maintain its flexibility and efficiency. In addition, proper maintenance would benefit in ensuring the security of your website, attracting new customers, increasing traffic, lowering the risk of downtime, and more. 

Yes, you can purchase your domain name. There are many domain name registrars that you can use to buy a domain name. Then, once you have your domain, I can take things from there to help you point your domain to a web hosting server. But if you need assistance, contact me.

I am well-versed in a variety of programming languages and scripts, some of which include Liquid Coding(Shopify), PHP (WordPress), Python (Django), React JS, JQuery, and JavaScript. In addition to that, I am quite comfortable working with databases such as SQLite, MySQL, and PostgreSQL.

I am a one-person operation with no employees and no independent contractors, and I will personally handle and finish all projects that come my way.

Yes, I can improve the speed of your website. I can help you make your website faster and more efficient and pass the Google core web vitals. If you have low scores on the Google PageSpeed test, I will do my best to improve your website speed on the Google PageSpeed test results.

Yes. Your website is going to be completely mobile-friendly, and it is going to look mobile-responsive on all devices. A mobile-friendly website will be included as part of my services if I make a website.

I frequently utilize and recommend page builders such as Elementor, DIVI, Kadencewp, and wpastra. However, I can work with whatever available page builder you already have on your WordPress website.

Yes, I offer an SEO basic setup that includes setting up Google AnalyticsGoogle Search Console, Google Tag Manager setup, and even monitoring website health issues and weekly/monthly website technical auditsSEO is usually an ongoing commitment and will require continuous work. However, I offer a package plan per month to start you off on the right foot. This plan includes the weekly website On-Page Technical SEO audit, fixing on-page technical SEO issues, optimizing the website loading speed, keyword tracking, and more. I can also offer an Off-Page SEO like creating backlinks, checking competitor’s websites, tracking keywords positions, page ranking, and more. I optimize your website for SEO as it is one of the important steps to increase the possibility of getting many leads.

If you are interested, let’s talk and contact me

Many website platforms are available, including popular ones like WordPress, Django, and Shopify. These platforms provide a user-friendly way to create and manage a website without needing to have extensive technical knowledge. If you are interested in creating a website using these platforms, I can help you to create, deploy, secure, and do technical SEO of your website.

I offer my services on a fixed-fee, hourly, project-based, or monthly retainer basis, so you may always get the services you desire. Plus, I’m open to negotiation, so you can be sure you’re getting the best service available. For smaller projects, for example, I may be able to offer a fixed-fee arrangement. In any situation, please email me at contact@aljunmajo.com for a free consultation or use this form to contact me.

aljun majo web development faq


Web Development Posts